Past event

Event Description

Handling large volumes of data requires different skills: One must master storage options, tools to upload data performant, handling failed uploads, and convert data in a format appropriate for reporting and analysis. In the Microsoft Azure stack, Synapse Analytics is the cornerstone service for the data engineer. It encompasses pipelines to copy data, Spark and SQL to transform and query data, Data Explorer for near realtime analysis and data exploration, and Power BI for reporting. This training teaches how to use Synapse Analytics to design, build and maintain a modern data lake architecture. The training also includes a few other Azure services which come in handy when working with Synapse Analytics, such as Azure Data Vault for handling authentication, Azure SQL Database for dealing with smaller datasets and Azure Databricks as an improved Spark engine.

(This is a 3 day course training by registering to this page you will be registering to the tree days: 5- 7, Sept.)


  • Lieven Iliano

    Lieven Iliano

    Managing Director, Office 365 & SharePoint Architect

Audience Technical
Area of Interest Microsoft Azure
Language English
Solution Area Data & AI